Puppets and bells

This is for toddlers, first year of birth! Place your baby in a supine position; start by showing him/her puppets and rattles and then bring them closer to the baby’s hands: go up and down repeating the word to the movement to allow him/her both to stimulate the hold of the object and to associate the word to the movement.

The Spot Test

Draw a small red circle on the child’s nose and make him look at himself in the mirror; if he touches his nose while looking at himself, he has become aware of his body: his self-image is what is reflected in the mirror. The child will enjoy playing in front of the mirror. So have fun making up you and the child, drawing, dressing up, imitating yourself (from 18 months onwards). The mirror will help with autonomies such as washing their face, teeth and hands (from 3 years old).


Mirror games